Recent press of South Dixie Antique Row in West Palm Beach Florida
The Palm Beach Post
Whoopi Goldberg goes goblet shopping in West Palm
by Jose Lambiet | The Palm Beach Post

Actress/TV talker Whoopi Goldberg created a scene on West Palm Beach’s Antique Row the other day. Barbara Walters’ co-host on The View, was in town for an appearance at the Kravis.
But she materialized at the Devonia Antiques for Dining store on South Dixie (above), and raided the place of Gilded Age table tops as a crowd gathered outside the store.
“Whoopi has an extensive collection,” said store owner Lori Hedtler. “She loves to entertain at home and she uses the thousands of goblets and plates that she’s collected. She likes to know the history of each piece she buys.”
Hedtler says Goldberg owns a 100-year-old Tiffany silver service probably worth $150,000!
On Friday, Goldberg left the posh shop with Royal Worcester soup bowls, Tiffany plates and 19th century bejeweled Moser goblets.